
The attacked gitea-service under is not available in the moment. Repositories moved to

Der Quellcode ist zusätzlich per Mail unter git At anfragbar, bzw. nachstehend verlinkt.

Der Quellcode ist in der Regel unter der GPL 2.0 oder höher lizensiert, die genauen Lizenzbedingungen liegen den Quellen bei.



(o> .oO( Minigame with Ascii-art inspired by Google Chrome's trex runner )

Only needs a C-compiler and libncurses…​

Have fun!


ctxer - a free de-/compressor for Softdisk text compressed (CTX) files


Perl-module which allows to use Droid/PRONOM signatures and

  • to convert it to Perl regular expressions,

  • analyze files using wxHexEditor tags to display matches

  • and calc statistics.

libcbag - a free and opensource C++ Library to handle BagIt structures

BagIt is a standard format to create transfer packages for digital preservation purposes, described in RFC 8493 (

This C++ library is still in the early development stage and should not yet be used productively. True to the motto "release early - release often" I would like to enable you to give me early feedback.

HINT: The library will be rewritten as C-only library to support more operating systems and with lower foodprint. Please be patrient…​ :)


BagIt is a standard format to create transfer packages for digital preservation purposes, described in RFC 8493 (

These Perl-modules will hopefully help with the basic commands needed to create and verify a bag. My intention is not to be strict and enforce all of the specification. The reference implementation is the java version and I will endeavour to maintain compatibility with it.

        use Archive::BagIt;

        #read in an existing bag:
        my $bag_dir = "/path/to/bag";
        my $bag = Archive::BagIt->new($bag_dir);

        #construct bag in an existing directory
        my $bag2 = Archive::BagIt->make_bag($bag_dir);

        # Validate a BagIt archive against its manifest
        my $bag3 = Archive::BagIt->new($bag_dir);
        my $is_valid = $bag3->verify_bag();

the 'official' Archive::BagIt modules are available at CPAN:

You could easily install it with

cpanm Archive::BagIt

The documentation is then available via

perldoc Archive::BagIt

The following are the sources and you need the perl-module Dist::Zilla to install it.

The repositories are:

The latest version is also available:


A CLI based conformance checker to validate (baseline) TIFF files against self defined rules. It works in different way than other tools. Instead to use a hardcoded rule set with predefined values, you are able to define tags and corresponding values more fine granulary. The rulesets are human readable and could be adapted to own needs. The "checkit_tiff" works on commandline and therefore it is embeddable in scripts. The tools are developed for purposes of curation and longterm preservation.

License same as used in libtiff-library, see LICENSE file for details.

Example output checkit_tiff
Figure 1. Example

To help those who are not so firm with compiling software, attached is the latest version compiled as a javascript file, which should work under any operating system (gzipped tarball). Since I can’t provide support for this, use it at your own risk. If in doubt, let experienced developers look over the source code and compile it yourself.

You need to decompress the files:

tar xfz checkit_tiff_compiled_to_javascript_2024-05-19.tar.gz

You need an installed javascript interpreter (nodejs). The call is for example:

js checkit_tiff.js -c CONFIG_FILE TIFF_FILE

Here is an example output:

$ js /tmp/checkit_tiff.js  -h
'./checkit_tiff.js' version: master_v1.4.1
	revision: 855
licensed under conditions of libtiff (see
(enabled full ICC profile checking using IccProfLib by, version 2.1.19
 the ICCProflib is licensed under ICC Software License, version 0.2
 copyright (c) 2003 The International Color Consortium. All rights reserved.)
call it with:
	checkit_tiff [[-c|-t]|-h|-m|-d|-q] <configfile> <tifffile> [<tifffile> ...]

where <tifffile> is the tiff file (or directory) to be validated
and <configfile> is the file name of the validation profile
	-h this help
	-c colorized output using ANSI escape sequences
	-m uses memmapped I/O (faster validation, but needs more RAM. Not available on all operating systems.)
	-d check all files in that directory (non-recurively)
	-q suppresses the output of all valid tags
	-t CSV output
	checkit_tiff example_configs/baseline_minimal.cfg tiffs_should_pass/minimal_valid.tiff

To check your TIFF files via Webbrowser, you could use this:


TIFF validation in the web browser with checkit_tiff

Select a profile and check files

baseline TIFF 6.0, retrodigitized monographs, SLUB Dresden
baseline TIFF 6.0, retrodigitized photographs, SLUB Dresden
baseline TIFF 6.0, georeferenced, retrodigitized monographs, SLUB Dresden
baseline TIFF 6.0
TIFF 6.0, complete



A CLI program to repair broken TIFF files, it supports datetime-repair and IFD reordering.

License same as used in libtiff-library, see LICENSE file for details.


A shell script to sort files into special directories automatically:

  • (will be linked soon)


to convert asciidoc slidy to LaTeX beamer presentations: asciidoc_slidy_beamer_2014-09-22.tar.gz (8,0KB, md5: 169c1a6dc6e1425ca5cd6bd7c54f9357)

FFV1/Matroska Factsheet for Managment/Decision-makers

This repository helds a fact sheet about Matroska/FFV1. It uses the leaflet LaTeX template and could compiled with XeLaTeX: (will be linked soon)

Script to use Matroska Menus (matroska chapter link) to link MKV files together. This allows to use one file only referencing other matroska-files. It uses the chapter method of matroska to link files together. This means the resulting Matroska file is very small and only links to all given Matroska files. See for detailed explanation. The movieplayer "mpv" should be able to play such files. Also the upcoming VLC will support this (around year 2018).


Sourcecode: (will be linked soon)


Simples Perl-Script, fragt SWB-Katalog per PPN Nummer ab und holt sich die Marc Einträge und wandelt diese in METS/MODS um: (will be linked soon)

Kaitai Scripte

Mirror of a repository copied from, contains own TIFF-file adaption: kaitai_struct_tests_2017-10-06.tar.gz (152KB, md5: 7d92fb902032acf31115bc5dd4abfab5)

Einige Structure files für den KDE Hexeditor Okteta

Parallelized Image Pipeline (image-tilize)

Ocaml Programm um Bilder in Teilbilder zu splitten. Dies erlaubt es Cache-Effekte auszunutzen, wenn man teure Bildalgorithmen, wie Sauvola oder gleitenden Median anwenden will. Erlaubt es auch, die Kacheln parallel zu prozessieren und die Ergebnisse wieder zusammenzuführen image_tilize_2023-07-11.tar.gz (144KB, md5: cafefc6a2ce5bb8e19c3fc35459026f1)

Quine-McClusky Solver

Geklonter Zweig des Original-Authors mit Verbesserungen. qmc - The Quine McClusky Simplification Tool, this repository is forked from original (dead) website and based on version 0.94. The original website is only available via Internet Archive: qmc_2016-05-24.tar.gz (24KB, md5: 8c7e3e8927501f2cca02b01d7e63552e)

Lizenz: GPL 2.0


Einfaches Programm zum Validieren von ICC Farbprofilen. Basiert auf der Validierungsbibliothek IccProfLib2, Referenzimplementierung des International Color Consortium, (ICC) von ValidateICC_2022-06-02.tar.gz (4,0KB, md5: 55b7b5a87beb82b424afd9b81a07b01a)

Lizenz: ICC Software License, Version 0.2

Bunte Bilder aus dem Sachsenlande, OCR-Training und Scandaten

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